Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The sun rises there and never sets,
Live the way your supposed to and have no regrets.
I keep looking for sugar in a salt mine
The love here tastes like turpentine

Go were the words will flow
Live a life worthy of a picture show.
Find God in a different place.
See him with a different face.

My worst critics are in the inside
They don’t know it but I’m on their side.

I just can’t give in।

Can we have a time out please?!

Gay marriage is a huge issue right now, at least it is where I live. There’s a proposition coming out on November 4th along with the elections. If you vote yes on Prop 8 then it supposed to clearly define marriage as a union only between a man and a woman. This I suppose would protect the institution of marriage from polygamist from wanting to have more than one spouse. If it doesn’t pass, supposedly its going to be taught in schools. According to there was a 1st grade field trip to a gay marriage in San Francisco. Why am I still conflicted about voting for prop 8?

When I was younger I often thought that as I grew and became more educated that issues would become more black and white. I’m finding a lot more gray areas popping up all over the place as well. One of them being homosexual marriage. I’m still standing on my belief that homosexuality is a sin, coming from man’s inherit sin nature. Although I know that people are going to sin no matter what. That there will always be homosexuals. There will always be gossipers, murders, and thieves. Murdering and thievery is prohibited by law, gossiping is protected under the 1st Amendment. We allow gossiping because if we didn’t then we would have to restrict others from speaking. We can’t have everyone drawing lines and redrawing them whenever they feel it to be the right time.

Homosexuality for the most part is seen as taboo and as sin. For others it doesn’t really matter. My cousin even said that he wouldn’t know why people would want to get married in the first place. If prop 8 does pass then Homosexuals won’t have the “dignity” of marriage. I guess they want to be accepted as most people would. If it does pass then would that open the door for them to lose more rights? Possibly I think. It might encourage further gay bashings or hate crimes. It might even discourage further learning about homosexuals. There is a huge cloud of ignorance over homosexuality. I bet that homosexuals don’t even understand why they are attracted to the opposite sex, same goes for heterosexuals. If it doesn’t pass then its possible that children won’t learn in class about the social acceptance of homosexuality and that its okay to be gay. This I believe is an infringement of my rights. I’m not an evolutionist but if I were, I might come to the conclusion that homosexuality wouldn’t benefit the human race. In fact I would see it as a mutation in the human genome, if proven to be gentic. A mutation that wouldn’t make the species any stronger. In fact it would weaken it.. If its not genetic then it might be the result of ones environment to which would discourage natural behavior. As a Christian I see it as a result of a faulty world. In that everyone is affected differently. Christians are not immune to sin. Dealing with ones sin nature is a life long process. So the teaching of it the classroom as a natural thing to do, does not score points with me. It would just encourage confusion and misinformation about a subject that is rarely studied by qualified people.

If it doesn’t pass then I guess gays get that “dignity” that they want so bad. To me it still doesn’t make it right. If it doesn’t pass then it might make it less taboo. Which might lessen hate crimes or gay bashing. There could be more scientific studies into homosexuality and what exactly is happening inside someone when they’re convinced they’re gay. This would be a step toward ensuring people rights. Homosexual or not they’re human beings. If it doesn’t pass then would that further restrict rights for them. Could the “conservative right” go out and restrict other social sins. Such as premarital sex. Could you imagine having to pay a fine for having a baby out of wedlock? Or getting tax benefits for attending church, which is already the case for som? Or how about getting arrested for infidelity? Those might seem extreme but those are totally feasible and have happened in different countries throughout history.

This whole Proposition 8 deal is of course our country working itself out with checks and balances. I see the pros and cons on both issues and are considering each side carefully. As a Christian I know where my moral boundaries are. At the same time I feel torn about setting them for others. In the end though I think this whole deal is premature. Neither side understands fully what they’re doing here. Each side has reacted immaturely I believe. I fear that each vote whether it be no or yes will inflict irreparable damage to not only the state but to the country.